What we make

Discover the hidden side of our commitment and our products

The quality of our products has been our priority since 1934: the choice of ingredients, their origin and respect for the baker’s traditional gestures.

La Fabrique product range

Traditional knotting

Famous for their taste and crispness, our Bretzels are first shaped into small sticks before being actually knotted and salted, just as our bakers of yesteryear used to do.

Only 5 ingredients in our Palmiers

Our selection of first-rate ingredients gives our products their incomparable flavor and crispness.

At La Fabrique, we adhere to our quality charter:
✔ no additives
✔ no colorants
✔ no preservatives
✔ no palm oil

Madagascar vanilla

At La Fabrique, our choice of ingredients is paramount. For our Vanilla Palmiers: no artificial flavouring, just real vanilla beans ground to a powder.

Let time take its course

One of the distinctive features of La Fabrique products is the unique crispness of our traditional puff pastry. We strive to reproduce the baker’s gestures on a large scale, while respecting adequate resting times to guarantee exceptional quality. Taste the difference of an airy, gourmet pastry.